- Dir. Capulong graces ALS-BP OSA graduation rites; attends mini-library kickoff for ALS learners in local penal colony
- IPEd programs in DepEd-MIMAROPA featured in IP Month celebration
- Dibisyon ng Puerto Princesa City, Unang benepisyaryo ng “CLASSROOM OF THE FUTURE”
- CID-LRMS launches localized storybooks for IPEd learners
- City DepEd to hold virtual contests for 2021 World Teachers’ Day Celebration
- Vivant Foundation donates distance learning materials
- CID-LRMS’ Legacy Amid COVID19: Accomplishments and Innovations
- PPC DepEd LRMDS Milestone of Accomplishment and Innovations
- USec. Umali Urges Tie-ups; PPC DEPED Honors Partners
- Contextualized Learning in the New Normal for Students of Puerto Princesa City
- Superheroes without the capes
- Teachers’ Diaries